System Controller ORK: S00V12.28.04
Master Compensator DSP: S99V10.10.00
Master Compensator FPGA: P99V01.16.03
Interface Card CPLD: Unavailable
Assembly Number: EDGE 3013A-Eng
OCD Name: EDGE 3013A-Eng-DFTNewFeature
Config ID: 5BD11293
FPGA Firmware Type: COR3
Project Name: MagnesiumMonkey/Release_MgM_12.28.04:264762

MKS RF Generator Command Set

Basic Monitor Use

Command Description Usage
ATW Unlock ToolWeb for configuration access ATWk : Key entry where k is the key
ATW0 : Disable all advanced Toolweb accesses
SNP Snoop TLC Connection No attempt is made to group by direction, it is purely time based.
SNP0 : Stop all snooping
SNP1 : Snoop serial port with socket connection
SNP2 : Snoop socket connection with serial port
SNP3 : Snoop serial connection with 2nd socket port
SNP4 : Snoop socket connection with 2nd socket port
SNP5 : Snoop 2nd socket connection with serial port
SNP6 : Snoop 2nd socket connection with socket port
SNP7 : Snoop udp port with 2nd socket connection
SNP8 : Snoop udp port with serial port
SNP11 : Snoop serial port with 2nd serial port
SNP12 : Snoop socket port with 2nd serial port
SNP13 : Snoop serial port with 3nd Socket port
SNP14 : Snoop socket port with 3nd Socket port
SNP15 : Snoop 2nd socket port with 3rd Socket port
SNP16 : Snoop UDP port with 3rd Socket port
SNP17 : Snoop 2nd UDP port with 3rd Socket port
HEL Show command help HEL : Display help menus
HELA: Print all help menus in HTML. (LONG.)
KEY Secure Unlock KEYk : Key entry where k is the key
EKO Disable/enable command echo EKOn : Turn echo on (n = 0) or off (n = 1)
QVM Quiet/verbose mode QVMn : Quiet mode (n = 0) or verbose mode (n = 1)
LIT Link Integrity mode LITn : Link integrity mode off (n = 0) or on (n = 1).
LIT=x : Set link integrity timeout to x milliseconds (x >= 2, x <= 4000000).)
TTY Terminal Emulation Mode TTY0 : Default: Behave like legacy products.
TTY1 : Behave like a VT100 (useful for pretty screen prints).
ECHO Turn Echo on or off [] Toggle echo

Basic Unit Config

Command Description Usage
LLT get or set the power Leveling mode LLT a[,b,c,d...] : Set State 1 to a and State 2 to b, etc.
(0 forward leveling and 1 is load leveling.)
LVL get or set the power LeVeLing mode LVL : Print the current leveling mode.
LVL0 : Set the leveling mode to forward leveling.
LVL1 : Set the leveling mode to load leveling.
LVL2 : Set the leveling mode to voltage leveling.
LVL3 : Set the leveling mode to current leveling.
RMP get/set the Ramping Parameters RMP : Print the ramping parameters.
RMP0=z: Set ramp mode. z=0(Off), z=1(Rate), z=2(Time)
RMP1=z: Set ramp up time and down time to z milliseconds.
RMP2=z: Set ramp up rate and down rate to z 10ths of Watts per second.
RMP5=z: Set ramp up time to z milliseconds.
RMP6=z: Set ramp down time to z milliseconds.
RMP7=z: Set ramp up to z Watts per second.
RMP8=z: Set ramp down to z Watts per second.
RMP9=z: Set the setpoint change required to trigger a new ramp.
This is non-zero for noisy analog setpoints.
RMPx-y=z: Type x (as detailed above) operates only on State y (1-Max Pulse States{e.g. 4}) with data z.
SBD get or set the Serial port BauD rate SBD : Prints the serial ports current baud rate.
SBDx : Set the serial port baud rate to x.
where x = (2 or 1200)
x = (3 or 2400)
x = (4 or 4800)
x = (5 or 9600)
x = (6 or 19200)
x = (7 or 38400)
x = (9 or 115200)
OPN get the OPeN loop status OPN : Prints the control loop status (True = Open, False = Closed).
Must use THR mode to set open loop status.
TST set the TeST mode status TST3 : Print the interface enabled status
DEC Configure the DECimation for the 1ms decimation DEC0=z : z=0 No Decimation; z=2 Recommended Decimation
DEC1=z : Iterate Decimation
DEC4=z : Health Monitor Decimation
DECE : Print Decimation Settings
PSW get or set the Pulsing Switches PSW0 : Turn pulsing off (CW).
PSW1 : Turn pulsing on, with internal clock source.
PSW2 : Turn pulsing on, with external clock source.
PSW3 : Turn pulsing on, with external clock source, but inverted.
PSW5=z : Set Delay (ns) from Pulse transition before the AFT algorithm starts tuning.
PSW7-y=z : Set setpoint ramping time for pulse state y to z nanoseconds.
PSW17-y=z : Set setpoint ramping time for pulse state y to z nanoseconds.
PSW11-y=z : Set drive ramping time for pulse state y to z nanoseconds.
PSW12-y=z : Set frequency ramping time for pulse state y to z nanoseconds.
y is 1-Max Pulse States{e.g. 4}
PSW8-y=z : Set Edge Modifier during Fast Pulse Mode for pulse state y to z.
PSW10=z : Set the pulse duty factor ramp time in seconds.
PSWA : Reset high speed coherent timer on next pulsing off to on transition.
PSWB=z : Set pulse sync pass through to On (1) or Off (0).
PSW13=z : Set Sync Out High bitvector.
PSW13-y=z : Sync Out High during pulse state y (1-Max Pulse States{e.g. 4}).
PSW19-y=z : Set gamma blanking time for pulse state y to z nanoseconds.
PSW1C=z : Select if Legacy Multi Edge Sync Mode (MES) (0) or True MES Mode (1)
PSW1D=z : Select if Sync Emulates DES Sync Out, when in MES Mode (1), or not (0)
PSWE : Print Current Pulsing Setup.
RFD get or set the RF Sync Delay (us) RFD : Return the present rising pulsing delay in micro-seconds.
RFD- : Return the present rising & falling pulsing delay in micro-seconds.
RFDz : Set the pulsing rising & falling delay in micro-seconds.
RFD1=z : Set the rising edge pulsing delay in micro-seconds.
For Master Mode, this delays the Sync Out in all modes
For Slave Mode, this delays the RF Output vs Sync In, in Legacy SES/DES Mode, True DES Mode
RFD2=z : Set the falling edge pulsing delay in micro-seconds.
For Master Mode, this modifies the time in the sync high state of the Sync Out in SES/DES Modes
For Slave Mode, this modifies the time in the sync high state in Legacy DES Mode
TAP TAP Transformer Control TAP1 : Report actual TAP setting.
TAP1=z : Set TAP to:
z=1: 25.0 Ohms
z=2: 32.7
z=3: 42.7
z=4: 55.9
z=5: 73.1
z=6: 95.2
z=7: 125.0
RTR Sets fast Reverse Transient Response RTR : Print current Parameters.
RTRE : Print current Parameters.
RTRx=z : Set the Fast Reverse Transient control parameter x to z.
where x = 1 for Enable(z=1)/Disable(z=0)
where x = 2 for Reverse Power to be above(z is watts)
where x = 3 for Duration to be above (z is nanoseconds)
RTS Sets Real Time Stats parameters RTSE : Print current RTS Parameters.
RTSx=z : Set the RTS control parameter x to z.
where x = 1 for block size (z is milliseconds)
where x = 2 for pulsing frequency and duty cycle
block size (z is milliseconds)
REM get or set the Remote Mode REM : Print the Remote Mode.
REMx : Set the Remote Mode. (x=1: Remote, x=0: Local)
CFG get, set, or save the ConFiGuration values CFG : Print the current configuration values.
CFG1 : Set Compensator configuration to default values.
CFG2 : Restore Compensator configuration from permanent storage (Undo).
CFG3 : Print the current Compensator configuration file names.
CFG4-x : Print the configuration values (x is the config) with short description.
CFG5-x : Print the configurables (x is the config) with long descriptions (no values).
CFGA : Print configurables with help in HTML format (log it).
CFGE : Print the current Compensator configuration file information.
CFGF : Save the current interface configuration values to flash.
: Note: You must use the explicit config commands to save Compensator tables.
CFGx=y : Change configuration x to the value y.
IFP set InterFace Priority for TLC. IFPx : Set the TLC enabled bit.
where x = 0 disables the TLC interface.
x = 1 enables the TLC interface.
AFP All interFace Priority for TLC.
RBA Actual Power Setpoint Readback Compensation RBA : Report if compensation is enabled.
RBA1 : Turn compensation on.
RBA0 : Turn compensation off.
MAC get or set the software MacId MAC : Print the software MacId.
MAC=x : Set the software MacId to x.
: A reboot is generally required to take effect.
SCP Scope SCP : Display scope setup
SCP1=x : Set sampling frequency = x
SCP2=x : Set buffer size = x
SCP3=x : Set pretrigger = x% (0-100)
SCP4=x : Set trigger holdoff in milliseconds
SCP6 : Show triggers
SCP6=n : Set n as trigger type
SCP6-0=x : Set unsigned integer threshold to x
SCP6-1=x : Set float threshold to x
SCP6-2=x : Set integer threshold to x
SCP7=n : Set data source n as trigger source
SCP7-n=d : Point channel n to data source d
SCP8 : Trigger
SCP9 : Run
SCPA : Stop
SCPB : Get Data
SCPC : Display available scope presets
SCPC=x : Set scope to preset x
SCPE : Display Scope Status as a number
SCP10=x : Turn FIFO mode on (1) or off (0)
SCP11=x : Turn Save Fault Scope Data on (1) or off (0)
SDS Scope Data Source SDS : Display Scope Data Source Setup
SDS0-i=x : Change Data Source i Name to x
SDS1-i=x : Change Data Source i Address to x
SDS2-i=x : Change Data Source i Type to x
SDS3-i=x : Change Data Source i Flags to x
SDS4-i=x : Change Data Source i Mask to x
VLC Set Vpp level control parameters VLC : Print the external Vpp of the control state.
VLCx : Print the external Vpp of specific pulse state(x is pulse state).
VLCx- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
VLCA : Print Current Vpp values(CW/State1, State2, State3, State4)
VLCE : Print current VLC setup.
VLCx=z : Set the Vpp control parameter x to z.
where x = 0 for Vpp Control Mode.
0 is disable.
1 is Pulse state 1 and CW, 2-4 is only work in pulse mode.

where x = 1 for Setpoint of Vpp(z is voltage).
where x = 2 for Low limit of power( z is watt).
where x = 3 for High limit of power (z is watt).
where x = 4 for Vpp scale( z is scale, in Volt).
where x = 5 for P gain.
where x = 6 for I gain.
where x = 7 for enable hold on mode
0 is disable.
1 is enabled.
where x = 8 for error threshold for hold on mode (V)
where x = 9 for hold on mode activate delay (Sec)
where x = 10 for Vpp Feedback Signal Checking mode.
z = 0 is disable.
z = 1 is enable.
where x = 11 for Vpp Feedback Signal Checking feedback threshold (z is in voltage)
where x = 12 for Vpp Feedback Signal Checking fault generation duration (z is in ms)
where x = 13 for Vpp Feedback Signal Checking power threshold (z is in watt)
CLC Set Vpp level control parameters CLC : Print the external Imag of control state.
CLCx : Print the external Imag of specific pulse state(x is pulse state).
CLCx- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
CLCE : Print current CLC setup.
CLCx=z : Set the Vpp control parameter x to z.
where x = 0 for Imag Control Mode.
0 is disable.
1 is Pulse state 1 and CW, 2-4 is only work in pulse mode.

where x = 1 for Setpoint of Imag(z is Amp.).
where x = 2 for Low limit of power( z is watt).
where x = 3 for High limit of power (z is watt).
where x = 4 for Imag scale( z is scale, in Amp.).
where x = 5 for P gain.
where x = 6 for I gain.
where x = 7 for enable hold on mode
0 is disable.
1 is enabled.
where x = 8 for error threshold for hold on mode ( z is Amp.)
where x = 9 for hold on mode activate delay ( z is Sec)
SPUL Software Pulsing SPUL HighSetpoint,LowSetpoint,Frequency,DutyCycle
Watts Watts Hz Float
SPUL 150,10,100,0.75 75%% of the time setpoint is 150, 25%% it is 10.
TPUL Slave Pulsing Single Edge Sync Mode (SES) - High Setpoint applies for defined Duty cycle
Low Setpoint applies for remaining time
Double Edge Sync Mode (DES) - High Setpoint Time Tracks Sync In High
Low Setpoint Time Tracks Sync In Low
NOTE: Can not change between DES and SES without going through CW

TPUL HighSetpoint,LowSetpoint (DES Mode)
Watts Watts
TPUL 100,10 - setpoint is 100 for High, 10W for low

TPUL HighSetpoint,LowSetpoint,DutyCycle,Inversion (Optional) (SES Mode)
Watts Watts Float Boolean
TPUL 100,10,0.75 - 75%% of the time setpoint is 100, 25%% it is 10.
TPUL 100,10,0.75,1 - 25%% of the time setpoint is 100, 75%% it is 10.

Inversion means the slave's pulse output goes high when the master's
pulse output goes low and vice versa.

TPUL HighSetpoint,LowSetpoint,High Delay,Low Delay,Inversion (DES Mode)
TPUL 1000,300,50,20,1 - Set the generator output at 1000W 20us after the
master pulse goes low, 300W 50us after the master
pulse goes high.

TPUL HighSetpoint,LowSetpoint,Frequency,DutyCycle,Delay,Inversion (SES Mode)
TPUL 1000,300,2000,.333,20,0 - Set the generator output at 1000W (20us
after the master pulse goes high) for
167us (1/2kHz * .333) then 300W.
QPUL Up to Quad/Multi level PULsing QPUL Pt,Pf,Pd,P1[,DF1,P2,DF2,P3,DF3,P4...]

Pt Pulse Type, integer:
1 Internal Pulsing (master)
2 External Pulsing (slave)
3 Inverted External Pulsing (inverted slave)
4 External Pulsing Multi-Edge Sync Mode (slave MES Mode)

Pf Pulse Frequency, integer, in Hz.
Pd Rising Delay, integer, in microseconds.
P# State # Power Setpoint, in Watts
DF# State # Duration as Duty Factor or Nanoseconds (See Below).

Parameters inside [] are optional depending
on desired number of states.
There is always one less Duration than
there are Power Setpoints. Duration can be
specified as a duty factor <= 1.0 or
as a time in nanoseconds.

Specify a DF as -1.0 when in Double Edge Sync (DES) mode
to denote the state that should wait for the falling edge.

When in Multi-edge Sync (MES) Mode the DF are not used for the operation
so do not enter -1.0 for this mode.

NOTE: MES Mode can be forced to always occur if the configuration is enabled

QPUL x,y Sets parameter x to y.
QPUL 1,234 sets Pf (Pulse Frequency) to 234Hz.
PFREQ Pulsing Frequency PFREQ : Prints Pulsing Frequency in Hz.
PDUTY Pulsing Duty Cycle PDUTY : Prints State 1 Pulsing Duty Cycle in fractional form.
PDUTY 0: Prints All Active State's Pulsing Duty Cycle in fractional form as a comma list.
LLT get or set the power Leveling mode LLT a[,b,c,d...] : Set State 1 to a and State 2 to b, etc.
(0 forward leveling and 1 is load leveling.)
PDELAY Multi-edge Sync Pulse DELAY PDELAY [c,D1,D2,D3,D4...]

No Arguments, returns settings

c Control
0 Don't write Dx Delays until next xPUL command
1 Write delays now

Dx Delay values in nsecs

When Master Delays:
D1 Modifier to State 1 Time in Sync Out Waveform
D2 Modifier to State 2 Time in Sync Out Waveform
D3 Modifier to State 3 Time in Sync Out Waveform
D4 Modifier to State 4 Time in Sync Out Waveform

When Slave Delays:
D1 State 1 Rising Delay
D2 State 2 Rising Delay
D3 State 3 Rising Delay
D4 State 4 Rising Delay
NOTE: Parameters inside [] are optional
DFT Directly set or calculate the DFT rotation value. DFT E : Readback DFT rotation value
DFT x : Set rotation value to x.
DFT x,y : Calculate rotation using x as velocity of propagation and y as length(ft).
Frequency value is average of min and max limit.
DFT x,y,z : Calculate rotation using x as velocity of propagation, y as length(ft) and z as frequency(MHz)
Enter velocity of propagation as decimal(50%% would be entered as 0.5)
BPUL Up to Burst PULsing BPUL Pt,Pf,Pb,BW,VM,P2,DF2,P3

Pt Pulse Type, integer:
1 Internal Pulsing (master)
2 External Pulsing (slave)
3 Inverted External Pulsing (inverted slave)

Pf Pulse Frequency, integer, in Hz.
Pb Burst Power Setpoint, in Watts
BW Burst Time, in Nanoseconds

VM Vpp Control Mode, integer:
0 Disable
1 Enable

P2 Pulse setpoint or Vpp setpoint
VM is 0 = Forward, Load leveling without Vpp control, in Watt
VM is 1 = Vpp control, in voltage

DF2 State 2 Duration as Duty Factor or Nanoseconds (See Below).
Duration can be specified as a duty factor <= 1.0 or
as a time in nanoseconds.

P3 Pulse State3 setpoint, in Watt

Frequency Setup

Command Description Usage
FRQ get or set the FReQuency FRQ : Print the frequency in hertz.
FRQ=z : Set the frequency to z.
FRQx=z : Set State x's frequency to z.
: x can be from 1 to 4.
: Note: Only active States report the correct value.
FTU set the Frequency TUning control mode FTUE : Print current Frequency Tuning Parameters.
FTUx=z : Set the frequency tuning control parameter x to z
where x = 0 for tune mode (z=1 auto, z=0 manual)
x = 1 for no ignition fault (z=1 enabled, z=0 disabled)
## x = 2 for start frequency (z in Hz)
x = 3 for tuning start delay (z in ms)
x = 4 for no ignition time (z in ms)
x = 7 for DFT Distortion setpoint reset threshold (RC)
x = 8 for low toggle threshold (RC)
## x = 9 for loss threshold (RC)
x = A for DFT Distortion halt threshold (high toggle) (RC)
x = C for DFT Distortion setpoint reset threshold (RR)
x = D for low toggle threshold (RR)
## x = E for loss threshold (RR)
x = F for DFT Distortion halt threshold (high toggle) (RR)
## x = 10 for lower frequency limit (z in Hz)
## x = 11 for upper frequency limit (z in Hz)
x = 1B for power below threshold offset mode (z=1 enabled, z=0 disabled)
x = 1C for DFT mode of Operation
z=0 DFT, z=1 DFT+C1, z=2 C1C2 Only, z=3 DFT+C1C2, z=4 Collabo
x = 1D for Allow MW Tuning during state z is a bitvector
(1 = State1, 2 = State2, 4 = State3, 8 = State4)
x = 22 for Frequency ramp on immediate Frequency change (us)
x = 23 for DFT Halt on End Stop (z=1 enabled, z=0 disabled)
Uses the Distortion halt threshold for the settle condition
x = 24 to choose what frequency DFT/BFT goes to when a state is disabled
z = 0 for last states tuned value
z = 1 for start frequency
z = 2 for manual frequency
x = 25 to set the level at which setpoints begin to be tuned
x = 26 to choose what frequency DFT/BFT starts from when a state is enabled
z = 0 for last states tuned value
z = 1 for start frequency
z = 2 for manual frequency
z = 3 for restore frequency
x = 27 for DFT auto PHI adaptation (z=1 enabled, z=0 disabled)
Notes: RR = Reflection Ratio
Notes: RC = Reflection Coefficient * 1000

All commands marked above with a ## also have a pulse dependent version as outlined below:
FTUx-y=z : Set Pulse Mode dependent parameters
y is a value 1-Max Pulse States{e.g. 4}, representing State 1-Max Pulse States{e.g. 4}
(Use 2 argument version above for CW)

FTUx-y=z : Set parameters for
x = 0 for Allow Frequency Control for pulse state y (1-Max Pulse States{e.g. 4})
z=1 Allowed in state, z=0 Not Allowed in state
x = 12 for DFT parameters (for y=0-3, z is fractional coefficient)
y = 0-2 for PID Terms
y = 3 for Gain
y = 4 for First Step Additional Gain (Must be integer)
y = 5 for Frequency Offset at pulse start
y = 6 for Distortion Step Setpoint (z=0-2)
x = 20 for Allow Frequency Control for pulse state y (1-Max Pulse States{e.g. 4})
z=1 Allowed in state, z=0 Not Allowed in state
x = 30 for DFT Halt Distance
y = 1-4 for State Number
x = 31 for DFT Gamma Halt Limit
y = 1-4 for State Number
x = 32 for DFT Gamma Magnitude Limit
x = 28 for Auto Kick-Off Mode for pulse state y (1-Max Pulse States{e.g. 4})
z = 0 for Disable
z = 1 for Step
z = 2 for Interpolation
z = 3 for Constant
x = 29 for Auto Kick-Off Frequency step for pulse state y (1-Max Pulse States{e.g. 4})
x = 2A for Auto Kick-Off Configuration
y = 0 for Kick off gain
y = 1 for Susceptance(Y) threshold
x = 2B for Auto Kick-Off Stop Thresho
FSW Frequency SWeep FSW0 : Set frequency mode to manual at center frequency.
FSW1 : Select Sweep Mode for Only CW or PS1 (depending if pulse)
FSW2 : Select Sweep Mode for All States (CW and All Pulse States)
FSWx-y=z : Sweep from frequency x to y in z milli-seconds (and back).
FSWx=z : Sweep from current frequency to x in z milli-seconds (and back).
BND get or set the frequency tuning control BaND BND : Print the frequency tuning control band.
BNDx : Set the frequency control band to x.
where x is a letter from A to C or a number from 0 to Max States{e.g. 4}
AFSW Automatic Frequency SWeep AFSW s,x,y,z[,m] : Sweep State s from frequency x to y in z milli-seconds and then go to mode m.
State 0 is CW, 1 is Pulse High, 2 is Pulse Low, etc.
Mode 0 is Manual, 1 is AFT.

Data IO

Command Description Usage
OFT Preset Optimization OFT : Wait twice settle time for point, average 5 points, entire band. Takes 10 seconds.
OFTx=z : Wait twice settle time for point, average x points, entire band. Takes z milliseconds.
OFTx-y=z : Wait twice settle time for point, average 5 points, xHz -> yHz. Takes z milliseconds.
OFTD : Print 1 if in progress and 0 if done.
OFTE : Print status.
HPV Configurable Parameter Command HPV : Read present list values
HPVs=v : Add v (hex) to slot s (hex)
HPV- : Reset timer
HPVA : Readback setup list as (hex, hex) pairs
TRG TRiGger generator output - turn it on! TRG : Turn the RF output on.
OFF turn generator output OFF! OFF : Turn the RF output off.
OEM get or set the power setpoint OEM : Print the power setpoint in watts.
OEMx : Set the power setpoint in watts to x.
DRV set the PSU rail on or off DRV0 : Turn rf off, turn PSU rail off.
DRV1 : Attempt to set the PSU rail to on.
DRV2 : Attempt to force the generator into manual rail control mode.
DRV3 : Allow the generator to be in automatic rail control mode, if configured for automatic control.
DRV : Print rail status.
MRF get or set the Maximum time RF is allowed on in Seconds. MRFE : Print the maximum time RF is allowed on in Seconds.
MRFx : Set the maximum time RF is allowed on in Seconds to x.
: Setting MRFx will also reset the RF on time elapsed to 0.
: Maximum time must be less than 4,000,000 seconds (~45 days).
CEX get/set the CEX control mode CEXE : Print CEX Mode verbosely.
CEXF : Save all CEX configurations.
CEX0=0 : Set the CEX control to Master Mode.
CEX0=1 : Set the CEX control to Slave Mode.
CEX1=z : Set the CEX phase offset to z degrees.
CEX2=z : Set the CEX start frequency to z Hz.
FRO Enable/Disable broadcast fast RF off message. FRO0 : Off message will NOT send if a generator faults.
FRO1 : Off message WILL send if a generator faults.
FROE : Prints if feature is enabled/disabled.
ROF Return Output Forward power ROF : Prints the generator's forward power output in watts.
ROF- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
ROF1 : Prints the generator's forward power in floating point.
ROR Return Output Reverse power ROR : Prints the generator's reverse power output in watts.
ROR- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
ROR1 : Prints the generator's reverse power in floating point.
ROL Return Output Load power ROL : Prints the generator's load power output in watts.
ROL- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
ROL1 : Prints the generator's load power in floating point.
ROD Return Output Dissipated power ROD : Prints the generator's dissipated power output in watts.
ROD- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
ROD1 : Prints the generator's dissipated power in floating point.
SYS get the SYStem information SYS : Prints the generator's most commonly used system information.
SYS- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
SYS1 : Compensator Fault Vectors
SYS2 : Compensator Warning Vectors
SYS5 : Compensator Status Vectors
SYS6 : Filtered Forward Power
SYS7 : Filtered Reverse Power
SYS= : Show System Status - Detailed
FRE Fault REset - clears the generator faults FRE : Reset generator faults and warnings.
RFV Read Fault Vector RFV : Print the smart fault vector.
RFV1 : Print the complete fault vector.
RFV2 : Print the DSP fault vector.
RFV3 : Print the long fault vector.
RFV= : Verbose fault reporting.
RWV Read Warning Vector RWV : Print the basic warning vector.
RWV= : Verbose warning reporting.
RPS Report Status RPS : Print the basic status vector.
RPS1 : Print the Compensator status vector.
RPS- : Continuously print the status vector.
RPS= : Verbose status reporting.
PAI get the PA current(I) sensor readings in tenths of amps PAI : Get the PA Current in tenths of Amps.
PAI- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
PAV get the PA Voltage sensor readings in volts PAV : Get the PA Voltage in Volts.
PAV- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
MET Meter Reading METx : Display filtered value of Item x
METx- : Continuously display filtered value of Item x, press ESC to exit.
METx-0 : Display all information for Item x
METx-1 : Display name of Item x
METx-2 : Display filtered value of Item x
METx-3 : Display raw value of Item x
METx-4 : Display fault state of Item x
METx-5 : Display warning state of Item x
METx-6 : Display out-of-range state of Item x
METx-7 : Display calibration state of Item x
METx-8 : Display gain of Item x
METx-9 : Display offset of Item x
METx-10 : Display address of Item x
METx-11 : Display Status Min Value
METx-12 : Display Status Max Value
METx-13 : Display Warning Min Value
METx-14 : Display Warning Max Value
METx-15 : Display Fault Min Value
METx-16 : Display Fault Max Value
METx-17 : Display ADC Saturated state of Item x
: If x is 0, all available meter channels are printed.

METx-7=z: Enable/Disable Calibrating State of Item x. z=1/0
METx-8=z: Set gain of Item x. z is float
METx-9=z: Set offset of Item x. z is float
CMB Combiner Tests CMB0 : Display Combiner Counts
CMB1 : Display Combiner Data
ACT Display the ACTive generator readbacks. ACT : Displays desired power setpoint, forward power,
reverse power, PA voltage, and RF frequency.
ACT1 : Displays various generator readbacks.
ACT2 : Displays individual PA Currents.
ACT5 : Displays VI Probe Readbacks.
ACTA : Display multi-sensor information.
ACT- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
SRS get the System Ready Status SRS : Print the system ready status.
TMP get the TeMPerature readbacks TMP : Prints the heatsink temperature information in celsius.
TMP- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
EVL prints the EVent Log EVL0 : Verbose print.
EVLE : Print error count.
EVL=m : Set level to m (0 def).
RSE get the power setpoint RSE : Print the desired power setpoint in watts.
RSE1 : Print the actual power setpoint in watts.
RSE2 : Print the desired power setpoint in watts as a float.
RSE3 : Print the actual power setpoint in watts as a float.
TIM get or set the RTC time and date TIM : Report the RTC time and date.
TIM0-x=y : Set date = x and time = y.
: Time is in 24 hour time.
TIM1 : Report Network Time Protocol IP Address
TIM1=0 : Set Network Time Protocol to Automatic
TIM1=1 : Turn Network Time Protocol Off
TIM1=x : Only synch Network Time to IP Address x
: x = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
TIM2 : Report the effective time zone.
TIM2=x : Set effective time zone to x.
: Hours relative to UTC (GMT). (Must be integer.)
WAT WATchdog the generator. Reboot it! WAT : Reboot the generator.
WAT1 : Reboot the DSP.
WAT2 : Reboot the ORK.
URT Fakeout URT functionality. Does nothing. URT : Return success.
SOL Solenoid Control SOL : Report solenoid mode.
SOL1 : Turn solenoid on.
SOL0 : Turn solenoid off.
RSI Report Statistics RSI : Print all statistical information.
ROT Report RF On Time ROT : Print RF On Time (in seconds).
RUT Report AC On (RUn) Time RUT : Print AC On Time (in seconds).
FNG Report FingerPrinting FNG4 : Save Factory Print 50 Ohm. Factory Only.
FNG5 : Save Factory Print Open. Factory Only.
FNG6 : Save Factory Print Short. Factory Only.
FNG7 : Collect and analyze SelfTest 50 Ohm.
FNG8 : Collect and analyze SelfTest Open.
FNG9 : Collect and analyze SelfTest Short.
FNG10: Collect and analyze whatever is currently running.
MHPV Configurable Parameter Command MHPV : Read current list values
MHPV x,y : Write current Main(x), Aux(y) Cap Positions then read list values - NOOP
MHPV x,y,z : Write current Main(x), Aux(y) Cap Positions and Frequency(z) then read list values - NOOP
PWR Report various power and related data [] Report.
BCTOFF Broadcast RF OFF BCTOFF Broadcast RF Off, and turn RF off locally, Trigger Scopes
BCTOFF 1 Broadcast RF Off, and turn RF off locally, No scopes
BCTOFF 2 Print the Delay time between broadcast off, and local off, in msecs
BCTOFF 2,x Set the Delay time between broadcast off, and local off, in msecs


Command Description Usage

Product Details

Command Description Usage
WHO Instrument type readback WHO : Return SuperNova assembly number
WHO1 : Return SuperNova type name
WHO2 : Return SuperNova assembly number and edit
RVE Read system VErsions RVE : Print the system versions.
IPA get the IP Address for Ethernet IPA : Prints the IP address in use.
IPAE : Report IP related setup.
IPA=1 : Set IP assignment to manual.
IPA=2 : Set IP assignment to DHCP.
IPA=6 : Set IP assignment to none.
IPA1=x : Set manual IP address to IP Address x
IPA2=x : Set manual mask to x
IPA3=x : Set default gateway to x
IPA4=x : Set primary DNS server to x
IPA5=x : Set secondary DNS server to x
: x = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
CHK Report the CHecKsum CHK : Prints the checksum.
CHK1 : Prints the combined checksum of all code and configs.
CHKx-y : Prints checksum address x to y.
FAT Report the FATal Errors FAT : Prints the fatal errors.
PCK Report the PCI ChecKsum PCKx-y : Prints checksum of PCI address x to y.
SER Report Serial Numbers SER : Report the generator serial number.
SER1 : Report the ORK serial number.
SER2 : Report the comp/core serial number.
SER3 : Report the interface serial number.
SER4 : Report the backporch serial number.
DAT Report Manufacture Date DAT : Report the generator manufacture date.
ASN Report Assembly Numbers ASN : Report the generator assembly number.
ASN1 : Report the ORK assembly number.
ASN2 : Report the comp/core assembly number.
ASN3 : Report the interface assembly number.
ASN4 : Report the backporch assembly number.
INF Report information about generator hardware INF : Report information about generator hardware.
THR THRough connection to DSP THR : Connect to DSP UART.
FDB Find DSP's Baudrate FDB : Find the DSP's Baudrate.
DBD Set DSP's Baudrate DBDx : Set new baud rate x:
0=300 4=4800 8=56700 C=500000
1=600 5=9600 9=115200 D=1000000
2=1200 6=19200 A=250000
3=2400 7=38400 B=333333
CDB Capture the DSP Bootloader CDB : Capture the DSP Bootloader.

App Config-Cal

Advanced Debug

Command Description Usage
PCD Power Calibration Data PCD1 : Set file to default values
PCD2 : Restore file from permanent storage
PCD3 : File Name
PCD4 : File Flash Size
PCD5 : File Actual Size
PCD6 : File Checksum
PCD7 : Permanent Storage Writes
PCDE : Report file information
PCDF : Save file to permanent storage
PCD3=z : Set File Name to z
PCDx-0 : Display Item x as Decimal
PCDx-1 : Display Item x as Float
PCDx-2 : Display Item x as Hex
PCDx-0=z : Set Item x to z as Decimal
PCDx-1=z : Set Item x to z as Float
PCDx-2=z : Set Item x to z as Hex
PCDx-3=z : Set bits in z of Item x
PCDx-4=z : Clear bits in z of Item x
MCD Meter Calibration Data MCD1 : Set file to default values
MCD2 : Restore file from permanent storage
MCD3 : File Name
MCD4 : File Flash Size
MCD5 : File Actual Size
MCD6 : File Checksum
MCD7 : Permanent Storage Writes
MCDE : Report file information
MCDF : Save file to permanent storage
MCD3=z : Set File Name to z
MCDx-0 : Display Item x as Decimal
MCDx-1 : Display Item x as Float
MCDx-2 : Display Item x as Hex
MCDx-0=z : Set Item x to z as Decimal
MCDx-1=z : Set Item x to z as Float
MCDx-2=z : Set Item x to z as Hex
MCDx-3=z : Set bits in z of Item x
MCDx-4=z : Clear bits in z of Item x
LCD Limiter Calibration Data LCD1 : Set file to default values
LCD2 : Restore file from permanent storage
LCD3 : File Name
LCD4 : File Flash Size
LCD5 : File Actual Size
LCD6 : File Checksum
LCD7 : Permanent Storage Writes
LCDE : Report file information
LCDF : Save file to permanent storage
LCD3=z : Set File Name to z
LCDx-0 : Display Item x as Decimal
LCDx-1 : Display Item x as Float
LCDx-2 : Display Item x as Hex
LCDx-0=z : Set Item x to z as Decimal
LCDx-1=z : Set Item x to z as Float
LCDx-2=z : Set Item x to z as Hex
LCDx-3=z : Set bits in z of Item x
LCDx-4=z : Clear bits in z of Item x
HCD Hardware Calibration Data HCD1 : Set file to default values
HCD2 : Restore file from permanent storage
HCD3 : File Name
HCD4 : File Flash Size
HCD5 : File Actual Size
HCD6 : File Checksum
HCD7 : Permanent Storage Writes
HCDE : Report file information
HCDF : Save file to permanent storage
HCD3=z : Set File Name to z
HCDx-0 : Display Item x as Decimal
HCDx-1 : Display Item x as Float
HCDx-2 : Display Item x as Hex
HCDx-0=z : Set Item x to z as Decimal
HCDx-1=z : Set Item x to z as Float
HCDx-2=z : Set Item x to z as Hex
HCDx-3=z : Set bits in z of Item x
HCDx-4=z : Clear bits in z of Item x
SCB Calibration Mode SCB1 : Enter calibration mode.
SCB0 : Exit calibration mode.
CAL Save the CALibrated values CALF : Save the current calibration values.
AIC Calibrate Analog Input AICx : Calibrate Input x using Reverse Channel as calibrated Source.
AICx-y : Calibrate Input x using Channel y as calibrated Source.
AICx-2E: Default the Calibration for Input x.
AICx-2F: Calibrate Input x using externally supplied voltage reference.
AICF : Write analog configuration to EEPROM.
AOC Calibrate Analog Output Note: The 0 input analog out varies over time (as components heat up).
AOCx : Semi-Automatically calibrate Output x.
AOCx-1: Manually calibrate Offset x.
AOCx-2: Manually calibrate Gain x.
AOCx-3: Manually calibrate Output Power x.
AOCx=y: Set Output x to y milliVolts.
AOCF : Write analog configuration to EEPROM.
POC get or set the Power Offset Calibration POC : Print the power offset calibration.
POC- : Continuously prints, press ESC to exit.
POC=y : Set the power offset calibration to y.
where y is from 0 to 400 (corresponds to 0.95 to 1.15)
RPG Get or set the reverse power readback gain and offset. Reverse power readback = (Actual reverse + Offset) X Gain
Offset value is always effected to reverse readback.
Effected gain factor if actual reverse power is less then threshold of setpoint.
RPG : Print the reverse power readback gain and offset values.
RPG0=z : Set DeviceNet Readback Correction mode
where z = 0 is disable
z = 1 is Reverse correction(Alpha)
z = 2 is Reverse reducer(VSWR+Alpha)
RPG1-y=z : Set the reverse power readback gain parameter x to z.
where y = 0 for Threshold (Percent of Setpoint)
y = 1 for Gain
y = 2 for Offset
RPG2-y=z : Set Alpha factor for reverse correction, y is pulse state
RPG3-y=z : Set VSWR for reverse reducer, y is pulse state, z is VSWR, minimum is 1)
RPG4-y=z : Reverse power reducer test. y is forward power, z is reverse power